I related to this so much. Growing up and having our personality or outgoingness level change is such a big adjustment. Something I still struggle with. So glad to know that I am not alone in feeling this way

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Sep 18Author

Definitely not alone at all. Thank you for sharing in this feeling with me and sharing that

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Lovely read. I completely relate to the 'comfortable isolation'. I'm working on a piece of writing at the moment about doing things on your own and enjoying your own company - it's always nice to hear about others who 'get it'.

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Sep 18Author

I can’t wait to read it 😊

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I felt every word of this!

Realising that your sisters will be your only bridesmaids is tough, and is something that made me think about how I can put myself out there to make friends but like you said, it’s incredibly hard to do so outside of education AND whilst working fully remote.

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Sep 17Author

I wish there was a guide to how to make friends as an adult. Working remote makes it sooo hard. So thankful for the flexibility but still missing the camaraderie.

thanks for reading and your words <3

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I’ve never seen/heard anyone else talk about just completely forgetting to contact friends you don’t see often. I do this exact same thing and yes the guilt!!!!!! Omg appreciate this post so much!

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Sep 18Author

I’m so glad you can relate! Thank you

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Wow I truly didn't know there were other people who felt this way. I resonated with this so much because this has been my life in a nutshell. Thank you for sharing your experience!

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Sep 15Author

aw thank you for reading and your words!

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This is so relatable, like you took all of my feelings and made sense of them 🫶🏼

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Sep 14Author

thank you for reading! im so glad you could relate

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"These walls shielded me from the pain of disappointment but also bled into my relationships, isolating me from the warmth of genuine connection. If someone didn’t like me, that was fine—I didn’t want them around. I kept mostly everyone at an arm’s length away, letting very few past."

This is so relatable. I found it difficult to make friends all my life, and now I've made peace with not having a group of friends, just a few individual friends that add rich meaning to my life.

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Sep 13Author

aw thanks for sharing 🫶🏼 it took me awhile to get to that peace but yeah I am so glad I did because the few friends are incredible people

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This is so relatable and you write just so so well

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Sep 13Author

Thank you!

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hi! this is my first read of you but I really liked it. what you wrote really touched me and I relate to it. thank you for this. subscribing immediately!

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Sep 12Author

hi! thank you so much for your words! i am so glad you found it

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I'm still in school, and I still feel like a big friend group isn't for me. I like being alone too, and a few intimate friendships make much more sense to me, as well. your writing is soo good!!

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