I love this! I also love being a morning person and I think you just inspired me to go from a 6:15AM wake up to a 6:00AM so that I can be a bit more leisurely with my morning routine!

Quick Q: Do you workout on an empty stomach if you're a morning workout-er or do you have anything beforehand? I used to have water then coffee first thing and wait til 10AM to eat but have been trying to at least get in two handfuls of nuts before coffee or working out just to help my system and I think I'm feeling better for it!

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Aug 15Author

Thanks for reading! And glad it inspired you.

I like to make mini waffles and freeze them. I’ll pop one or two in the toaster and drizzle honey on them. Usually just something light before a workout then I’ll eat something bigger later. I find I just feel better working out that way but everyone is different. It took a little experimenting to figure out what worked best

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