i loved reading this so much!! super comforting and relatable as another lost person in their twenties! the bit about all the things you thought you’d have by 23 (married, kids, a dog, a career etc) is so real! such a lovely read :)

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Sep 6Author

thank you 🥰 it’s crazy how different life turns out from how we imagined, for the better and worse. But I agree, it’s so nice to know we’re not alone in feeling a little lost and a little behind

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My jaw dropped reading this in the same way you stopped mid bite at the start . I didn’t even clock how I had just got so used to the fact that people around me r having kids and getting engaged in their early twenties that I haven’t processed that .. people around me are getting ENGAGED and having KIDS . My third eye just opened

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Sep 4Author

yes exactly!! It was happening and at first I was like “oh so and so got engaged” then suddenly everyone was and then people started having kids and I started questioning if we were the same age still. It’s so crazy

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'I was supposed to be building a life, but sometimes it felt like I was just holding on for dear life.' Oh wow. I feel like you've just seen into my soul - every single word you have written resonates so much. I've just graduated university and feel so incredibly lost, applying for jobs but not getting anywhere, feeling desperate to move out of home and start a new life but having no means of doing so right now. This post provided me with so much comfort knowing that I'm not alone in feeling this way. Thank you for sharing <3

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Aug 30Author

I’m glad 🤎 it’s such a weird time in our lives and everyone is at all different stages. Hang in there

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so interesting! I completely feel like this, but at the same time I want to embrace how weird it is too, and how fun that can be. maybe even romantisize it a little bit for the shake of survival? haha

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Aug 28Author

Yes I agree!! I think it should be embraced as we learn so much about ourselves

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Nobody ever said how weird being in your twenties would be! I loved reading this so much, it made me feel a little less alone navigating such a confusing time in my life. Beautifully written :)

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Aug 28Author

Aw thank you! Yes, it’s so weird and no one ever talks about it even though we’re all going through it

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the first paragraph drew me in to what was an incredible piece about grappling with the passage about time, and i really needed to hear it. thank you <3

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Aug 24Author

Thank you so much. I’m glad you found it and it found you 🫶🏼

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I needed to hear these 🫶🏽

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Aug 23Author

💕 it was a nice little reminder to myself while writing too

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This little miracle of a post appeared just when I---but not only I---needed it. Thank you with all of my heart. There was so much gravity and kindness and comfort and camaraderie poured into your writing here. Thank you, truly.

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Aug 21Author

I am so so glad you found this then. You're so understood. I want everyone to feel like they have someone who understands them when they read my writing so your words mean so much to me, thank you!

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Aug 21Liked by KB

This was so comforting to read. I just got a new job and it's been very difficult convincing myself everything will be alright. I'm now struggling to fall asleep because it feels like I'm drowning in the stress and fear of it all. If I could skip time I would, but I know this will all make it worth it some day. Thank you for your writing, it's helped me so much.

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Aug 21Author

Yeah I hear you that’s so hard. You’ll figure it out 🫶🏼 I really like to remind myself of the quote “everything that’s meant for you will find you”. Thanks for reading

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